Balancing Depth & Breadth

– the difference between FOUNDATIONS and ATTUNE programs –


I faciltiate two longterm programs for settlers in diaspora of Celtic Isles lineages: Foundations and Attune.

FOUNDATIONS is the depth, and Attune is the breadth.

Foundations is definitely more rigorous information-wise: there’s a ton of content monthly in an online learning library, lots of invitations to practice, and we meet twice a month for 6 months. its for folks seeking more in-depth learning about Celtic Isles culture, historical lore, and plants, and those desiring active, engaged conversations about our place in the world today. This work happens within an explicitly politicized framework. Foundations is sort of like an intensive crash course, and includes more content in a shorter amount of time, lots of group processing convos, embodied practice together, and more. This program lays the foundations for your ongoing practice and and personal learning as you move into the rest of your life.

Attune is focused on building relationships with the land we live on alongside ancestral plants in a slow, unfolding, long term way. This is the container where we take our learning and put it into practice in a daily, seasonal, and annual way. Together we do.  Attune is oriented around the four fire festivals and the four solar festivals of the Celtic Isles, and we gather together over the course of an entire year. Each season, participants engage with one webinar of plantlore and sacred practices, and have 2 calls. This program is politicized, as all my work is, but the bonus here is that it also has a spiritual focus. Attune is an invitation to work at the crossroads where bioregionalism and ancestral plant relations meet, and to transform our values and learning into tangible practices.

Both programs have online community forum to deepen webs of relationship. Both are suitable for those just starting their cultural reconnection work as well as those who have been engaged in their own practice for years.

In my mind, they definitely both feed into each other, and i think both are important pieces of the work. Participants are welcome to choose to participate in both programs in whatever order that feels appropriate.

Depth of content and learning over a 6 month cycle; community discussion, personal reflection, lots of info; laying the foundation for future practice

Breadth: infoshares & invitations with an emphasis on practice; seasonal attunement in real time, land conenction over the year; building on our previous foundations

Choose the path that is right for you this season. Root into your lineages, connect to the Sacred and reweave ancestral threads into your life.


My practice is slow, intentional and intimate. I’m not only social media so much; I do occasionally share things through my instagram, @hawthornandyew. However, the best way to stay in touch and hear whats new is to sign up for my newsletter HOME/BODY.

You’ll hear from me on a weekly-ish basis, and these notes will contain info on upcoming workshops and programs, new zines, things my friends are working on, and more alongside long form writing about things i’m learning about, feeling about, questioning and embodying. tune in for musings on herbs, relationship with the world, embodying our values, dreaming and moving towards a more just world, and the practices that will can help get us there.