Sacred Smoke Traditions
of the Celtic Isles
The info share will take place in April, 2025, date to be determined.
This is an online Zoom gathering.
There will be live closed captioning available.
The recorded replay will be sent out to all who register.
This will be a gentle and lovingly held container. Group conversation will be encouraged, and participants will be invited to contribute to the group container. Folks are welcome to be on or off screen, participate or not as they feel called, and are free to utilize the unmute or chat functions to contribute. Come as you are.
Join us in community to explore the legacies of sacred plant relationships and holy smoke practices.
This offering is available via multiple sliding scale tiers of pricing.
The base rate for this offering is $55.
Feel free to use the sliding scale below select that which is most appropriate to your financial circumstances, your access to resources and generational wealth, and your societal positionality.
Sliding scale access for this offering is $33-66 USD – $33, 44, 55, 66
Note: Email me ( to inquire about scholarships if price remains a barrier.
Join us for a exploration into seasonal practice & plant kin relationship.
Together we will open to ancestral practice and relationships of reverence.
Registration opens Jan 2025.
Space is limited for intimacy and connection.
Who is facilitating this offering?
For folks new to me & my work –
my name is rowan (they/them) and I’m a qt herbalist, writer, researcher, big nerd and devotee to plant kin. I deeply believe in justice, radical community care, and embodying our values even under pressure.
The threads of my work include politicized ancestral reconnection for settlers on Turtle Island/N America, queer healing, ritual and devotion with the holy, navigating chronic illness, long-c & DJ, cultural traditions and ethnobotany, and more. I’m a white-bodied 3rd gen US person who comes from Irish, Lithuanian, Scottish & Sicilian lineages. I base my work off of my lived personal experiences, relationships with the holy wild, and deep research. I love researching and learning, and then sharing what I’ve learned with community.
thanks for being in community with me, for your support of my ongoing work, and for being a part of this broader weaving.
we will greet the Spring
and reconnect
with ancestral lifeways
My practice is slow, intentional and intimate. I’m not on social media so much; I do occasionally share things through my instagram, @hawthornandyew. However, the best way to stay in touch and hear whats new is to sign up for my newsletter HOME/BODY.
You’ll hear from me on a weekly-ish basis, and these notes will contain info on upcoming workshops and programs, new zines, things my friends are working on, and more alongside long form writing about things i’m learning about, feeling about, questioning and embodying. tune in for musings on herbs, relationship with the world, embodying our values, dreaming and moving towards a more just world, and the practices that will can help get us there.