deep rest
plants, practices & community
Join us this Imbolc season for a devotional dive into rest.
What does it mean to rest? How we can we make space and time to gift ourselves the rest we need? And for folks with trauma histories, illnesses and neurodivergencies that make it challenging, what alternatives and healing rest might we offer ourselves?
This will be a space to explore how we can access rest in a world (and for sick/mad/neurodivergent folks, in bodies) that might make truly nourishing rest hard to access.
Running over January – Feb 2024, this five week group program is an offering of support and nourishment in this dark season. We will discuss some practices, plantkin, and wisdom share around accessing rest, and we will also devote time to doing it – actually engaging in restful practices.
Over the course of five weeks, we explore different pathways for opening to or deepening our relationship with rest. Each session may include a short presentation, a guided invitational exercise, community discussion and personal reflection. There will be space for each of us to share collective wisdom from our personal experiences as well, for we all have deep embodied wisdom.
After exploring some of the many pathways toward rest, we will move towards envisioning what an appropriate, gentle rest practice might look like for each of us in the coming season ahead.
We will gather on Monday evenings from January – February 2025.
Our gatherings will take place over Zoom from 6 – 7:30pm ET. There will be closed captioning available.
These gatherings will not be recorded. However, each sessions slides will be emailed out to all who sign up.
This will be a gentle and lovingly held container. Folks are welcome to be on or off screen, participate or not as they feel called, and are free to utilize the unmute or chat functions to contribute. Come as you are.
Attending all five sessions is encouraged but not required. You are still welcome to join us if you can only make some of the sessions.
The fourth session will be a creative coworking / body doubling session.
Join us in community to explore what rest means to each of us, and how we can make space for this essential thread of aliveness.
This offering is available via multiple sliding scale tiers of pricing. Please select that which is most appropriate to your financial circumstances, your access to resources and generational wealth, and your societal positionality.
$333 – Supporter Rate
$250 – Base price
$99 – Solidarity rate
If price is still a barrier, email me at
Registration opens Dec 2024
Space is limited for intimacy and connection.
we can each
find our own
to rest
Questions and Answers
- deep rest will be a very gently facilitated container full of spaciousness and compassion.
- Each session will have some teaching content, space for conversation & reflection, and then time to practice & experiment with resting.
- All practices will be invitational (meaning you can feel into if something feels supportive and appropriate for you)
- Each of us will speak from our lived experiences & share our personal wisdom
- This space is sick, crip and mad affirming <3
- sick, disabled, mad and neurodiverse folks
- folks seeking skills and relationships to bolster their existing rest practices
- folks looking to gently explore what rest means to them
- people ready to try on some practices each week to see how it feels
- folks who find it meaningful to engage in winter to carve out space for deep rest & rejuvenation
- folks who like to learn in community, sharing their experiential wisdom and learning from others
Feel free to email me if you have other questions or concerns!