Covid Care Sessions


Seeking 1:1 support as you navigate the ongoing C19 pandemic?

Experiencing emotional or physical health impacts, ruptures in relationship,

or just general strain in the current climate of covid denial?

Consider booking a care session!

COVID Care Sessions

COVID Care Sessions are a new offering for community that began in 2024. In these sessions, we make space to talk about COVID as it has shaped our bodies, lives and communities.

These sessions are a space to discuss both the physical health impacts of COVID, LongC and Post-C issues, as well as the emotional aspects of living in an ongoing pandemic.  If welcomed, these sessions may include herbal or dietary recommendations, as well as practices and invitations for heart tending, grief tending, boundary and integrity work, balancing connection with dignity, embodying our values even under pressure, ritual to connect with the sacred, and more.

These are spaces to share what is hard about your personal covid experiences set against the backdrop of societal covid experiences with an emphatic witness. This is a space to ask questions, and work through what is feeling hard for you.  This is a space to connect – with deep self, with one another, with plants and to remember that we are not in this alone.



Opening sessions are typically two hours. Followup sessions can be anywhere from 30 minutes – 2 hours, depending on your needs.

Working together longer term allows for deeper healing, and if it feels right to both of us, we will start with monthly meetings, and then switch to seasonal sessions together. However, single sessions or less frequent sessions are also possible! Please email me if you have specific timeline needs beyond this.

about rowan

rowan is a queer trans chronically ill babe currently living with Long Covid and post covid health issues, including ME/CFS. rowan got covid in 2020 and has been shaped by it ever since. they continue to mask and take high level cautions in public, not only for their own health but for the sake of their commitment to disability justice and embodying their values. this has impacted their community and intimate relations over the years. rowan has supported folks in processing their own experiences around C19, seeing herbalism clients as well as supporting emotional and spiritual processing as dominant culture has moved toward covid denial and community abandonment.

professionally, they are a community herbalist with clinical training, and they are committed to supporting queer and trans folks health & healing through 1:1 care. They work with a variety of modalities for healing, and sessions often include bodywork, herbal remedies, nutrition information, movement suggestions, empathetic listening, safety + care planning, spaceholding, and/or ritual based on client and practitioner collaboration. rowan deeply believes that by embodying our values, even under pressure, we move ever towards justice and liberation, and it is an honor to support community in staying true to what they know is right.

for more about rowan, see info here!

additional logistics



Initial sessions are offered on a sliding scale, $120 / 100 / $80 / $60

$100 is the base price of the offering, and the lower tiers are for folks experiencing financial hardship or lack of access to support. The higher tier supports more lower income spots being available for folks who need them!

These sessions typically last two hours.

Note: A limited number of solidarity spots are available at $40/session for low income disabled/chronically ill queers. Please email for availability.


Follow up appointments (after our initial consultation and protocol recommendations) are offered on a sliding scale rate $ 80 / 60 / 40 , and can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the clients needs.


Payment is made online when scheduling your appointment.

If you feel like these services would help you but you cannot afford to pay on the above sliding scale, please reach out to talk about it. There are two free spaces held as solidarity offerings for those who need them.

Note: There are no refunds available. Rescheduling an appointment must be done more than 48 hours prior to our scheduled appointment.



Use the buttons below with your selected sliding scale tier to see available appointments, follow the prompts and sign up!

Still have questions? Want to chat to explore working together? Schedule a free 15 minute connection call to discuss collaborating in your healing journey by using the button at the bottom of the page.



During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, consults will take place via video conferencing.

Outdoor socially distanced meetings for local clients are also possible (Central VT, Abenaki land). Please indicate when you schedule that you are seeking an outdoor in person meeting.

Use the buttons to schedule an appointment below

at the sliding scale price that fits your financial status.

a note on collaborative partnerships:

It’s important to me that all care relationships are collaborative and feel supportive to both of us if we decide to move forward together. it is essential that each person is at choice with how we move forward in order to build practitioner-client relationships without hierarchy. if this sounds like something you resonate with, lets discuss working together!

Have questions or want to chat before scheduling an appointment? Lets have a brief connection call. To set up a free 15 minute connection call to discuss collaborating in your healing journey, use the button below.





My practice is slow, intentional and intimate. I’m not on social media so much; I do occasionally share things through my instagram, @hawthornandyew. However, the best way to stay in touch and hear whats new is to sign up for my newsletter HOME/BODY.

You’ll hear from me on a weekly-ish basis, and these notes will contain info on upcoming workshops and programs, new zines, things my friends are working on, and more alongside long form writing about things i’m learning about, feeling about, questioning and embodying. tune in for musings on herbs, relationship with the world, embodying our values, dreaming and moving towards a more just world, and the practices that will can help get us there.